
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Small dog bed pattern

      32-inches 54" wide fabric OR 54-inches 34"-45" fabric
      26-inches 5/8-3/4" wide velcro

   See the patterns at the bottom of this post.
1. Cut two 25" circles. (TOP & BOTTOM)
2. Cut two 26" x 3 3/4" rectangles. (SIDE CLOSURES)
3. Cut one 5 1/4" x 54" rectangle. (SIDE)

1. With right side up, fold 1 1/8" of long sides of SIDE CLOSURES under (as shown on cutting diagram) and iron creases.
2. Sew a 26" length of Velcro to the right side of one SIDE CLOSURE, aligning the Velcro with the folded edges.
4. Sew a 26" length of Velcro to the wrong(bad) side of the other SIDE CLOSURE, one edge on the fold.
5. Put the Velcro together, securing it closed. You should now have a 5 1/4" x 26" piece with Velcro closure running down the middle.
6. Wrong sides together, sew the 5 1/4" ends of the SIDE CLOSURE  piece to the SIDES to form a 78" circle.
7. Wrong sides together, pin one SIDE CLOSURE edge to TOP, sew.
8. Wrong sides together, pin one SIDE CLOSURE edge to BOTTOM, sew.